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14 April 2020

For 4 weeks now we have been working remotely 🙂 What does it mean? 

Снимок экрана 2020-04-14 в 11.55.27

Work from home means having important meetings with important persons, but wearing PJs 🙂

Work from home means drinking coffee (kind of) together with your coworkers, but each of them drinks different coffee, prepared to one’s taste 🙂 

Work from home means not seeing each other, but still keeping the friendly meetings on Friday evening 🙂 

Work from home means celebrating the company’s birthday by creating the greatest online party ever 🙂 

So, we have been working remotely for 4 weeks already! Even if sometimes it’s quite difficult, we can make it through 🙂 

We send to all of our teammates a big high-five! This is our great and lively Simpals home 🙂

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