First π”π—πŸ’π†π¨π― πƒπžπ¬π’π π§πšπ­π‘π¨π§
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3 May 2024

Tekwill hosted the first π”π—πŸ’π†π¨π― πƒπžπ¬π’π π§πšπ­π‘π¨π§ hackathon in Chisinau – a large-scale event designed to deepen cooperation between public institutions and IT product creators.

Hackathon π”π—πŸ’π†π¨π― πƒπžπ¬π’π π§πšπ­π‘π¨π§ is part of Moldova’s digital transformation program. It was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization of the Republic of Moldova with the support of the Yatakviju design community, one of the organizers of which is Simpals Chief Design Officer Vitali Covalenco, as well as Technovator, ATIC, with the support of UNDP, Innovate Moldova, USAID, Swedish and British Embassies.

Within the framework of the hackathon, a design competition was held, and the Simpals team became one of its winners, being awarded the 2nd place.


According to the organizers’ plan, the development of cooperation between government agencies and the UX community will facilitate the implementation of more and more advanced solutions on official web platforms, and citizens will receive better and more accessible public services.Β 

Dorian’s presentation focused on personal data security in UX – this area is of particular importance for public services. Simpals has extensive experience in public-private partnerships, and our colleagues are eager to share it.

Our company plays an important role in the digitalization of Moldova. Simpals developed the AchiziΘ›ii platform for transparent and efficient public procurement, which became part of the MTender system and helped make tenders highly transparent. We are helping to digitalize the education system with the project, implemented the electronic document exchange service, and even developed a new font, Onest, which has become the official typeface of Moldova.

The process of digitalization of the country is gaining speed and power, and we will continue to support it. Symbiosis is the value of Simpals; one thing is for sure: only by joining forces can we lead the country to prosperity.Β 


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