Serghei Cupnii: The behind the scenes story of success at Simpals
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21 April 2024

Serghei Cupnii, Team Leader 1C Automatization at Simpals, shares details about his career path, the challenges he faced and the rewards his important role in the company brings.

— How did you become part of the Simpals team and why?

— I have been working with Simpals since before I started working here. Even now I remember them writing to me at the end of the working day in March 2019: “Would you like to join our team as a 1C Developer?”. The next day I had an interview and two weeks later I was already excited to be working at Simpals. Yes, it really is that simple.


— Were expectations met?

— I am most motivated by the assignments, which challenge me professionally. Simpals offers a variety of interesting tasks, so my expectations were certainly met in that respect.


— Can you describe your responsibilities within the company?

— Currently, I am the Team Leader for Automatization. The department is involved in the development of the company’s management system on the 1C:Enterprise platform. I am responsible for how the corporate accounting system, designed to record, control and analyze all of the company’s business processes, will ultimately look. My responsibilities include business process analysis, business architecture development, design and development of integration mechanisms with various internal systems, management and refinement of a team of developers and business analysts. 


— What are the biggest challenges in your work and how do you manage to meet them?

— The complexity of working at Simpals lies in the multitude of projects in different domains, in different countries around the world: I’m talking about with thousands of transactions per day, B2B sales with transaction status tracking, Afisha with online event ticket sales, Lobster with in-house production, Sonr with assembly in China and accounting in the US, Price with payment invoicing, 200+ employees and completely paperless document management, and many other things, and all of these have to be joined into one whole – one corporate accounting system, providing 24/7 data for accountants, managers and founders. To solve this problem, we use a large stack of technologies, including: 1C:Enterprise – as the core of the system, Bitrix24 – as the CRM, Power BI – for data visualization, Python – for developing complex integrations and for applying artificial intelligence and machine learning to finance.       


— What are you proud of when it comes to your department?

— Without a well-coordinated team of professionals, it’s impossible to develop and support such a system. We have certified developers and business analysts in the department. I’m proud that the automation team is a self-organized team with a common goal that is able to fully control its workflow and take ownership of the product. 


— How do you see Simpals in five years?

— I believe Simpals will enter new markets, both domestically and internationally.

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