Votum.md – the independent platform for sociological surveys is 7 years old!
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5 October 2023

Objective data, clear public opinion studies, and the most pressing issues – that’s what Votum stands for!

For 7 years, Votum has been helping to capture real snapshots of views and sentiments of the residents of Moldova – honesty is, after all, an important value for Simpals. The system is set up so that each participant can only respond once, and at the same time, is not afraid to express their genuine stance.

Today, when survey results are often commissioned by those who pay for these studies, Votum remains unbiased, as it is a non-commercial project that is not funded by any organization, political figure, or party.

Grow, evolve, keep your finger on the pulse of society, and continue to show the truth as it is!

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