Dear Citizens of the First Virtual City YES.MD,
Yesterday, January 15, 2006, had ended the first SMS-voting in the contest WebTop-2005, the category of virtual communities.
We hasten to express my deep respect to all those who actively participated in the SMS-voting. Special thanks for the selfless labor agitation of Эра, Сержант, Vercors, -=Zoltes=- and Бешенная Кошка
It is also worth noting that due to the existence of the YES.MD, the contest WebTop 2005 has the category Virtual Communities.
Next, we’d want to thank users of the site, whose interest in the shares has made the SMS-voting so exciting and memorable. Events moved at a breakneck pace, such a dynamic change of the facts and forecasts would envy the most experienced sports commentator. The Olympics are resting
Residents of YES.MD, your unanimous vote made us stronger, so all urgently prepare to celebrate with you our SMS-activity on the eighth offline.