The newspaper “SMS Market” has now 24 pages
All news
24 January 2007

Beginning with the 17 edition, the newspaper “SMS Market” has grown from 20 to 24 pages. The increase in pages has touched such headings as “Transport”, “Work and Education”, “Services” and “Entertainment” Thus, for the same price you get additional 20% more information. Thus, for the same price you get 20% more information.

The growth of pages of the printed SMS project reflects a growing interest of the customers to the service. We are pleased of this dynamic and we will continue pleasing the users of the service, improving the newspaper «SMS Market» and providing high quality services.

Recall, the project «SMS Market» had been launched by Simpals in September 2006 and is unparalleled in Moldova. The main purpose of the newspaper is to facilitate the procedure of the placing ads in the newspaper.

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