Știri is 6 years old
All news
14 March 2024

Today is the 6th anniversary of one of the most visited news sites in the country. Știri.md is a reliable source of fresh and first-hand information for Moldovans and about Moldova.

Millions of users, tens of thousands of news, hundreds of thousands of comments – all of this is Știri. The journalists of the site not only inform the readers, but also actively participate in the life of society. In 2023 alone, the portal acted as an information partner at 10 cultural events.

“First source news” is the slogan chosen by the Știri team. They reveal the full picture of events to the readers, because honesty is a value of Simpals. Congratulations, Știri! Continue working with the same passion and keep on being the leaders of the Moldnet news.

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