Simpals – your guide in the world of IT professions
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9 March 2023

March 3, the Simpals office hosted an interesting and useful free training for volunteers. The company specialists talked about the huge world of IT and helped the guests to choose the best profession.

These days almost everyone knows that IT is one of the most promising areas for choosing a profession, but not everyone can imagine what their place in this world might be. Our colleagues told the audience what this incredible and fast-paced world looks like from the inside, and helped them understand what qualities make you better at each segment.
This training was conducted by Simpals specifically for the volunteers, because we want to support them and thank them for their great job, which they are doing not for the sake of money, but to make the world a better place and benefit the society. We share their values and believe that enthusiastic people with a responsible attitude to the world and people will be successful in IT!

Our speakers – Sporter Director Maxim Zorchin, Communications Manager Vlada Medvedcova, Team Lead Backend Iurie Cristea, Head of Product Christian Mbala, and Senior Recruiter Anastasia Prokopov – talked about the most popular and promising professions and explained how to acquire the necessary knowledge quickly and efficiently. There was also one more important focus at the training – presenting yourself correctly as a specialist. Participants learned how job interviews take place and what skills are especially valued by present-day employers.

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