The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Moldova, Yan Wenbin, visited the Simpals office, where he met with Simpals founder, Dmitri Voloshin, and the CPO of the SONR project, Tatiana Cotliuba.

China and Moldova are partners and cooperation is actively developing. “We told the Ambassador about our work and showed him SONR communicator and SONR music, – mentions Tatiana. – Mr. Yan Wenbin tested them and was impressed”.

Lobster, the diving weight system, has been successfully selling in China for several years, and now it’s time for SONR to conquer the Chinese market. These devices are successfully sold in 54 countries, but are not yet available in China. “Now we are thinking about a strategy to enter the PRC market, – Tatiana notes. – We have discussed these plans with the Ambassador”.

China is actively developing sports, so the prospects for promoting SONR there are vast. “We are preparing for a meeting with the economic advisor of the embassy to discuss the details of our cooperation”, – says Tatiana.