SIMPALS at the seminar “Internet in modern business”
All news
29 March 2007

On Wednesday, March 28, was held a seminar for the executives, marketers, advertising specialists, sales managers, for the heads of the departments of work with customers and owners of online projects.

The purpose of seminar was to give practical information about the effective use of internet technologies and internet resources in the activities of a modern company.

The participants of the seminar have tried to answer the most important question:

What are the opportunities that the Internet could offer to a modern business?

The seminar began with a presentation by Stanislav Furman (MAVR Media Company) and his report on the subject “Modern Internet”. Mr. Furman had talked in particular about the audience of the Internet, about the trends of development of the internet services and the role of internet in the activity of a modern company and of a modern businessman.

The next report was about the creation of an effective website and how to achieve this – how to choose a developer, how an effective website should be, how much costs to develop a site, what are the requirements from the developers, how to effectively use the website in the business; the types of the feedbacks from the site: receiving orders, the reduce of the costs, the image; performance criteria of the project: what you need to control, how to minimize the costs for the maintaining of the site; types of control over the work of the site. Mr. Vecheslav Kunev (Deeplace Company) had talked about all of these in a very interesting manner.

The second report was strictly about the Internet Marketing. On this subject had spoken the Director of the Internet Department of Simpals, Mr. Roman Stirbu, who had shared his experience in planning an advertising campaign on internet, as well as about the indicators of its effectiveness. Mr. Stirbu had spoken in particular about what is Internet Marketing, how to make advertising campaigns on internet, about the aims and the objectives of an internet advertising campaign, about the prices for placing advertising and its types, about the banner advertising and the criteria of choosing an advertising platform and, in order to confirm his words, he gave some examples of successfully cross-media advertising campaigns in Moldova.

The third report was presented by the company “Emoney-Prim” SRL about the system Emoney – the first system of internet payment in Moldova – about its possibilities, advantages and protection tools, about the technologies of internet payment and the organization of online sales.

The last and the most exciting part of the seminar was dedicated to the Internet television which is becoming increasingly popular among the Moldova internet users. The Director of the Simpals Company, Mr. Dmitry Voloshin, had spoken in detail about the concept of Internet Television and about the prospects of its development.

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