SIMPALS at the conference “Marketing, PR and Advertising”
All news
22 March 2007

During 2 days, March 20 and 21, in the fourth unit of State University of Moldova (SUM), was held the conference on the subject “Marketing, PR and advertising”.

The event was organized by Alla Papana, a student from the faculty of journalism of SUM, that’s why the conference was mainly addressed to the students and professionals from the Faculty of Journalism. Leading specialists from well-known Moldovan advertising agencies and companies had spoken about different subjects related to Marketing, PR and Advertising.

The agency of internet advertising Simpals was presented by the Director of the Internet Department, Roman Stirbu, with a report on “Internet marketing/Internet advertising”, in which he had shared his experience on planning an advertising campaign and talked about the indicators of its effectiveness.

The seminar was attended by the students from the faculties of journalism and economics, for whom the event was organized. The purpose of the seminar is obvious – the large experience of the leading marketers will be very useful for future journalists and economists. Judging by the large number of participants, the topic of the seminar is very popular among students, which is not surprising – marketing is the foundation and key to the success of every business.

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