Oliga Prodanova participated in the Wake Up Design Camp
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14 June 2024

Communication Design Team Leader Oliga Prodanova took part in the Wake Up Design Camp, gaining valuable experience, and energizing herself with positivity and creativity, while presenting one of the best projects.

Wake Up Design Camp is a creative camp where designers gather to cooperate on socially significant projects. This time, each of the 10 participants was required to create the identity for the social campaign “În rând cu lumea,” which aimed to unite people around European values.

The organizers were looking for ideas that would resonate with every resident of the country, instilling optimism and confidence that we could steer Moldova towards Europe, peace, and prosperity. Oliga’s project received high praise from the jury and ranked in top three.

“It was a time of intensive work at the camp with mentors and other participants,” Oliga shared. “For me, the opportunity to communicate with colleagues, exchange experiences, and skills with other designers was valuable because it helps to grow.”

Development and symbiosis are core values of Simpals. The company’s employees take advantage of every opportunity to gain new skills and generously share their knowledge.

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