This is a support action for our Chisinau zoo which is in distress. We had contacted the administration of the zoo and found out what they need now. First, we’ve decided to raise some money and invest it in the improvement of the Zoo, simultaneously spending Sundays there and cleaning up the area. Even if it’s not much, but we hope that our zoo will look nice and neat after our shares. This action is organized by the internet project Our further actions will be aimed for a more serious help for the zoo. Join us!
Yes, I want to help the zoo! How?
For all animal lovers.
On Sunday, February 17, at 11:00 am at the Chisinau Zoo we’ve held the shares “Real help for the zoo”. The visitors of the site and simply citizens (about 50 people) had come to stretch their ligaments and to work for the benefit of the zoo. Special thanks, free tickets to the zoo and beer from Vitanta for all those who came. Thanks to Nashe Radio and ПРОВОДНИК for support. has already raised $ 350! Join us!
On Sunday, at 10 am, a group of young people had gathered in front of the zoo. We didn’t manage to count the participants, because no one didn’t want to stand still. But I dare to say that there were gathered about forty people. Most of them were young people between 14 and 30 years old. The collaborators of the zoo were fussing without hiding the joy. Because they must have found a working tool (broom, shovel and rake) for each participant and show them the places of work. After about an hour every enthusiast was working. Moreover, no one resented – like do not want to “rake”, I want to sweep. The workers were smart and were slyly exchanging the areas within each other.
The rake of leaves has immediately entered the category of elite works. People were taking the shovel with a less enthusiasm. And those who got the broom – were totally upset. And no wonder: instead of feeding the tiger or the brown bear, the banal sweeping looked completely boring.
It’s hard to say what has fascinated the residents of the capital more (all the participants are from Chisinau) – the stories and the anecdotes that they were telling each other during the work or the fairly unusual work for the residents of a city. About 3 pm, the director of the zoo has thanked the tired participants and has invited them to visit the zoo along with their families, absolutely for free.
The young people had thanked for the invitation and went to celebrate the labor success with beer.
“We have a lack of brute force” – has complained the director of the zoo, Alexey Hatatuk in the interview for “KP”-Chisinau”. “The zoo has only 30 employees. But the territory that got to be maintained clean is very huge. Only the fenced area is approximately 10 hectares. In addition, the employees can’t waste all their powers just on clean-up. We also had to work with animals. That’s why the help of the volunteers was just useful. In just one day the volunteers had almost completely cleaned up the site, in which is planned to accommodate a cage for the tigers. Its area is about 40 thousand square meters. I hope that this share won’t the last”.
Alexei Chernega.
For the visitors and other online projects.
You will name ore propose centers for fundraising.
By the way, during the week will be held an unprecedented action – the money donated by you will become stars (rate: 1 turnip – 20 bani). The minimum fee – 20 lei.
The nicknames of all who donated funds for our zoo would be written bellow.
The following media support this share. You can advertise yourself or your company by investing money in charity.
1. Internet projects –
2. Press – “Komsomolskaya Pravda in Moldova”
3. Radio – “Nashe Radio”
4. TV – program “Explorer”
Minimum fee – $ 20
Contact Information for Sponsors:
Address – Str. Alba Iulia 204
ap. 107 Chisinau MD-2071
Republica Moldova
Phone / +373 2 / 51-03-90
Mob. / +373 9 / 155-166
E mail –
We are already supported by:
The program “Explorer”
Komsomolskaya Pravda in Moldova
Nashe Radio
Леськин Домик
Moldova JOB