Obscene usernames and avatars will be blocked on Point.md
All news
18 January 2021

The Point.md team continues to change and complete the functionality of the site to make communication in comments even more pleasant for users.


Now the site will block the ability to leave comments from users whose profile names contain obscene words or discriminatory expressions — in short, anything that violates the rules. The same goes for obscene and vulgar avatars. Their owners will also be blocked.

The new functionality will work as follows. If the username or avatar does not comply with the rules, users will receive a notification requesting their replacement.


The username and profile pictures must be changed within 24 hours after the message was received. If during this time the user fails to change their username or profile picture, they will not be able to write comments on the site – this option will be blocked. The comment feature will only be enabled again after the user changes their username or avatar.

Previously, Point introduced the “report a comment” option. With its help, readers can independently submit comments that violate the site’s rules to be moderated.

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