The company «Imobil999» is a real estate structure of the «» portal. The «», launched by «Simpals» in 1999, has become today the most popular bulletin board in Moldova. Monthly attendance of the portal is more than 1 million unique visitors and 130 million monthly ads, fact that offers unique opportunities for sales, including real estate.
The main goal of «Imobil999» is to meet the needs of customers and partners, that’s why, our company:
* Gives you advice on real property;
* Is actively promoting your property by placing information on the most visited internet-portal of the country;
* Helps you to find the necessary property: apartment, office, retail space, industrial space;
* Tends to act solely in your best interest, paying particular attention to each stage of the work with you;
At the same time, our company provides a full range of professional services on the primary and secondary market:
* Real estate operations (sale, lease);
* Assessment of the property;
* Preparation and execution of documents;
* Technical, legal, financial and tax advice related to real estate;
* Organizing and conducting auctions;
* Privatization;
* Legal support of transactions;
* Protection of the interests of the parties.
Our primary goal is to provide reliable guarantees to all parties of the transaction: for the sellers – the guarantee of a full and timely payment, for the buyer – the guarantee of the period optimization, legal clarity and legality of the transaction.
Due to the high level of training of our employees, we provide our clients with high-quality, affordable services at all stages of the transaction.
Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, Buiucani, Neculce str. 5
Tel.: +373 78 888-004
+373 22 888-004
Fax: +373 22 888-97