FTRM has been part of the Simpals galaxy for 7 years now
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31 October 2023

Today we celebrate 7 years since the Triathlon Federation of the Republic of Moldova (FTRM) joined the Simpals family. This cooperation was an important step in our evolution and brought us the core values: speed and symbiosis.

In a sport like triathlon, every second counts, from swimming to cycling and running.  Speed is the key to performance. The same can be said for Simpals: ideas are generated quickly and processes are optimized because time is money. 

Triathlon is not just an individual contest; it’s a community where the symbiosis of athletes, coaches, volunteers and fans creates a unique energy. At Simpals, we believe that only close collaboration brings great results. We realize that we are part of a greater whole, just like in a galaxy where the planets and stars interact in synergy. 

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