Vitalii Covalenco, invited to the presentation of the EVO government app
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18 April 2024

The expertise of Simpals employees is recognized at the state level as well. Chief Design Officer Vitalii Covalenco was among the 30 representatives of the IT community of Moldova, who were invited to the preliminary launch of the EVO government app.

EVO is a tool that will play an important role in the life of every citizen of the Republic of Moldova. The dynamics of the transition of public services to digital will largely depend on the efficiency and convenience of the app itself. With EVO, it will be possible to check tax status, access information on property, health and fines directly from your mobile phone. It will also be possible to request, pay and receive documents electronically, as well as handle other tasks.

The official launch of the app is expected no earlier than June, and it is now in the testing and refinement stage. That’s why it’s so important for developers to hear advice from professionals like Vitalii Covalenco. Development, honesty and symbiosis are our values, and professionalism remains Simpals’ strength. This week, the beta version of EVO was available to everyone, and many employees of our company are participating in the testing.

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