Simpals Stories: Virginia Bejenaru and her angels
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14 March 2024

The members of the Simpals company, in addition to doing excellent work, also take care of the world we live in. A brilliant example is Virginia Bejenaru. She initiated a fundraising campaign to help a shelter with 400 dogs, raising 7000 lei for food and medicine.

Virginia took these purchases to the shelter and devoted her whole weekend to the animals – taking care of the puppies, playing and walking with them. Unfortunately, animals in shelters often do not have such joy.  Virginia was moved by the gentleness and kindness of these animals and thanks everyone who supported her idea. “Dogs are angels living on earth,” she says smilingly. And for the animals in the shelter, the real angels are people like Virginia.

Virginia, we are proud of you because your initiative reminds us that our actions alone can bring care, love and pure magic into the world.  Every act of kindness, big or small, makes this world more beautiful.


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