Cătălin Bărbău won the Top Toastmasters competition!
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22 May 2024

Copywriter and SMM at Simpals, Cătălin Bărbău, won the prestigious public speaking competition, Top Toastmasters, in Timișoara. He is the best toastmaster in the Romanian-speaking area now!

Toastmasters International is a speaking club, an international non-profit educational organization that helps people discover their communication, public speaking, and oratory skills. The club was founded in 1924 in the United States and has reached nearly 150 countries!

Hundreds of thousands of Toastmasters participants from around the world regularly gather to practice their public speaking skills and compete in various contests. Everything matters: the ability to connect with the audience, confidence, knowledge of the material, speech structure, gestures, intonation, facial expressions, and the ability to keep up the pace. Cătălin excels in all of these, and his successful performances in the Top Toastmasters competition series are the best proof of this.

According to the rules, the Top Toastmasters competitions take place in multiple stages. First, Cătălin became the winner at the club level in Chișinău, then he won the regional competition in Iași, and now he has achieved a convincing victory at the division level in Timișoara. This is the highest level, making Cătălin Bărbău the absolute champion in the Romanian-speaking area.

„I didn’t expect to win because everyone was saying to me: „it is impossible to win on your first try” and I was a novice,” says Cătălin. Nevertheless, he won at every stage! Audacity is a quality that helps you succeed, even when it seems impossible. Great, Cătălin! We are proud of you!

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