Alexandra Novosiolova at Dreamiconˣ conference
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8 April 2024

How did Lobster conquer the global market? At the Dreamiconˣ conference, Simpals revealed the secrets of success through the example of the Lobster project. Lobster CEO Alexandra Novosiolova discussed classical marketing strategies, the importance of product development and commercial activities, and the significance of building a strong team.

Alexandra noted: “Do you want to create a unicorn? Don’t stop working and you’ll succeed. Build a great team, inspire them, and make sales.” This is how we interpret the pursuit of growth – one of Simpals’ values. We keep track of global trends, constantly improving ourselves, and creating a platform for the growth of both projects and people.

Lobster impressed everyone with its achievements, proving that it is not just a product, but an aid in attaining sports goals. Presentations of this magnitude are not only inspiring, but also remind us of the importance of the project we are involved in. Thanks to the partnership between Simpals and Dreamicon, we had the opportunity to contribute to the development of the startup community in Moldova.

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