Dmitri Moticailo, Junior Product Designer at Simpals, was a speaker at the “UX Fundamentals” course
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22 January 2024

 Have you ever wondered how the UX testing process works and how to choose the right method? Dmitri Moticailo, Junior Product Designer at Simpals, was a speaker at the “UX Fundamentals” course organized by Sasha Pleshko at Tekwill Academy. During this course, Dmitri shared knowledge about various UX testing methods, such as corridor tests, preference evaluations, monadic tests, A/B testing, card sorting, and unmoderated tests. 

Dmitri discussed how to choose the appropriate method based on the designer’s needs, in which situations it can be applied, how to obtain and analyze data, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each method. 


One of Simpals’ values is development, and this presentation was in line with it, with Dmitri promoting the development and sharing of knowledge in the technology community. It was a valuable learning opportunity for students interested in UX. 

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