Dedicated to the boys and girls… 2012
All news
28 May 2012

June 1 – International Children’s Day!

Every year we congratulate the orphans from various orphanages! And 2012 won’t be an exception! Therefore, we again want to bring together caring people who want to give a piece of their heat to children who were left without relatives!

On this day, the International Children’s Day, we will congratulate orphans who live in the city’s specialized orphanage. In this house live 60 children from new-born to 6 years old.

On collected funds we will buy gifts, sweets, fruits and necessary hygiene: toothpaste, diapers, soap, shampoo, detergents, etc. We also accept toys, books and clothes (please, the toys got to be clean and not broken, and the clothes – washed).

The purpose of Shares: to congratulate the orphans living in urban specialized orphanages with the International Children’s Day.

Plan activities: fundraising, buying gifts, visiting children.

Fundraising: is done by the principle ” as much as you can” between 14 and 31 May, from 09.00 to 18.00 in the office SIMPALS (ask Victoria), at Ion Neculce 5, 2nd floor., Or purse WebMoney (Z340228912010 ).

Update 5.06.2012

Hello to everyone!

We would like to thank all those who took part in our charity action dedicated to Children’s Day, called “Dedicated to boys and girls … 2012.”

In particular, we express a deep gratitude to the companies: Loial, Casalot, Orbico MA, who responded to our call and helped us to make a real holiday for the kids!

City orphanage that we visited impressed us a lot. Groups, in which the children live, surprised us with its cleanliness, and comfort. The home atmosphere and the friendly reception made all the participants feel free and communicate with children. The sincere joy and smiles of children made a lasting impression on all of us!

We brought the kids lots of gifts: fruit, cookies, chocolates, waffles, toys, diapers, personal hygiene items, shoes, clothes and blenders.

We hope that next year will be more caring people, and together we will be able to once again bring joy to children!

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