We strive to inspire not manage
IT vacancies
Simpals • Full-time • Office/Remote
Simpals • Full-time • Office/Remote
Simpals • Full-time • Office/Remote
Simpals • Full-time • Office/Remote
Non-IT vacancies
Simpals • Full - time • Office/Remote
Simpals • Full-time • Office/Remote
We offer
Non-stop learning
Fast career advancement
Motivating and challenging tasks
Great team and freedom
Working with advanced technologies
The ability to change the world
How do we hire?

Step One. This is where we get to know your CV. We take a close look at your strengths so that we can work with you to turn them into your superpowers.

If your CV fits the job requirements, the recruiter will contact you by phone. Even if your skills are different from the requirements, we will offer you one of the other open positions right now or contact you when the perfect position comes up.

Test task

Step two is the test task. For a successful interview, we offer to do a test task. Usually at home in a quiet environment. You will have 24-48 hours to complete the task. We work fast, it’s true.
Feel free to ask questions as the task progresses. Be attentive to details and keep deadlines in mind.


Step three is the interview. We’d love to meet you in person. Prepare all the questions you care about getting answers to. We’ll discuss all the points that are important to both parties. At this stage it’s important to see if we’ll work together. Or, as we say here, if there is chemistry.


Step four is a follow-up interview. Yes, we have several stages of interview. If the test task is perfect, next we invite you to get to know your potential supervisor.

Getting hired

If you like everything you’ve seen and everything we’ve discussed, we’ll invite you to join our team, where the fun part begins!

In addition to the nice perks for work, you’ll find a lot of bonuses for life here. And, of course, we are for work-life balance. We are categorically “against” overtime work and categorically “for” cool activities outside of work hours.

We’ve created an environment of our own non-work activities that you can participate in. Or you can meet like-minded people here, with whom you can do something new and exciting.

Didn’t find the job you need?

We’re always on the lookout for brave and inquisitive minds ready to make a difference in the world. If that’s you, we’ll find the right role for you.

We are for those who are not afraid of change, who see order in chaos, and who see opportunity for growth in crises. We always welcome bright minds who take the lead in these changes themselves.
We value
We recruit those for whom Done is better than Perfect.
Honesty helps save time and resources. We value it in our people.
We find a solution to any ambitious task. And every colleague contributes to it.
We are permanently learning and growing. But we boldly turn to those who can do better. Maybe that's you.
We welcome those who love what they do. And do what they love.
Love for change
Chaos is our house. We are not afraid to change. We are afraid to never change.
Come to create your dream project

We are driven by a simple and almost innocent curiosity “What if…? It opens before us the doors of new worlds full of possibilities. Because the sky is the limit.

We use accumulated experience and advanced knowledge. Combining this with design, we make the unthinkable real. We’re always looking for brave and ambitious people to bring it all to life. Do you think it’s the right fit for you? We await the opportunity to meet you then.

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