The premiere of the animated series “Dji. Death Fails”
All news
5 November 2012


On November 4, at the festival Anim’est 2012 the company Simpals presented its new animated film about a grim reaper named Dji.

It was frightful! Frightfully funny! Because Dji is an unusual death. The Dark Knight has appeared in a different form. No, he is not white and fluffy. Dji is just terribly unlucky. All he has to do is collect the soul of a dying man. But the screenwriters prepared some obstacles for Dji. Will he manage to overcome them? You’ll see.

The creators are preparing a series of short animated films about Dji. The second series is coming soon.

By the way, the series «Dji. Death Fails» is a prequel to the animated feature film “The Gypsy”. The creators of the film say that the story of “The Gypsy” is so eventful that they decided to introduce the audience to one of the main characters (Dji) in advance”.

The company Simpals would like to thank “Kaspersky Lab” for supporting the film!

To be continued!

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