About 20 representatives of ad agencies and businessmen from Moldova came to the Simpals office for a workshop called “Internet advertising trends for 2023 and tendencies of law enforcement in this field from neighboring countries”.
Simpals speakers at the event were Director of B2B Sales Department Ion Hornet and Digital marketing manager Oleg Leahu. Galina Zablovsсaia, executive director of the Association of Advertising Agencies of Moldova, presented the overall situation on the market.
The visit started with an acquaintance with the Simpals office and team. After that Ion Hornets introduced the company, its products and the prospects for cooperation, taking into account the peculiarities and the potential of the Simpals advertising platforms. These are the most visited sites in Moldova: 999.md, point.md, stiri.md, achizitii.md, joblist.md and others.
Oleg Leahu spoke about the current trends in online advertising. The guests found it useful to know what kinds of advertising are becoming the most effective and challenging, why traditional SEO promotion no longer works, and why content marketing is growing in importance and effectiveness. Real examples of publications at point.md and stiri.md confirmed this.
Galina Zablovsсaia focused on the peculiarities of the Moldovan advertising market. According to her, the problem is that the country has no really working tools to fix the volumes of online advertising. There are only expert estimates that are in fact subjective opinions of the market players. The difference of such estimates is huge, but it is clear: the segment is growing rapidly and this vector is not going to change.
According to Zablovsсaia, the amount of Internet advertising in the Republic of Moldova has already exceeded the amount of television advertising, which has always been the undisputed leader before. And now it is important to create really working tools for regulation, tracking, evaluation and taxation in the field of online advertising. In the speaker’s opinion, the corporate community should play the leading role in achieving this goal. Who knows, maybe Simpals specialists will be able to “crack this tough nut”.
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