October 7, Product Design Conference took place in Chisinau
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13 October 2023

October 7, Product Design Conference took place in Chisinau. Pure synergy, impressive insights, productive mentoring sessions and panel discussions – participants tackled the future of product design.

 Simpals product design manager Vitali Covalenco  was among the organizers of this impressive event. He is truly passionate about the potential of IT and works hard to make this world clearer and more useful for as many people as possible. Development and Pure Magic are Simpals values, which we apply in all areas of our business.



One of the speakers at the Product Design Conference was Head of product 999.md, Cristian Mbala. He talked about the importance of creating a cohesive team and how choosing the right vector for joint efforts helps create a truly valuable product. Symbiosis is another value of Simpals.


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