Lobster – 9 years old!
All news
12 June 2024

Lobster celebrated its birthday with a new record! With the help of the world’s best freediving weight system, Lobster Weight, an athlete recently achieved a new record at a competition in Sweden. More achievements to come as Lobster continues its revolution in the freediving world. It makes diving more exciting and incredible!

Lobster Weight is an acknowledged champion and winner of the Red Dot Design Award, an Oscar in industrial design. But the team behind it isn’t stopping, and the family of immersion gear is expanding. The range has been completed by the Squid – neck weights for open water, and the Lobster Nose Clip. So it’s time to get ready for some fascinating new records. And, of course, new products!


Lobster products attract the interest of divers and diving enthusiasts all over the world and are purchased in different countries and continents. And the team behind these technical masterpieces goes beyond producing unique diving devices. It helps to grow the sport and the diving community because it has the Simpals DNA in it, and at Simpals we value symbiosis – it’s always more exciting to grow together. 


Lobster, keep it up! Stay the best and keep making new records!


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