Succes Story – Virginia Bejenaru
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17 September 2024

– How long have you been working at Simpals, and how did you get here?

I joined in 2018,  on April 1st — company’s birthday. And I had a dream — I wanted to work at Sporter because I really liked what the project was doing. I left my career as a criminologist and applied to Simpals.

By the way, they didn’t take me at Sporter right away, so I got a job as an Office Manager at Numbers, which is now B2B. After a few years (when I gained the necessary experience and even left the company during the pandemic), I returned and became an Event Manager at Sporter for two years!

– What is your current position?

I am now a Graphic Designer. Yes, I know, an unexpected change. But the position of Event Manager is very energy-consuming. At one point, I got tired and decided to change my career. During the pandemic, I took some design courses, so I became a designer at FTRM. After a while, I was invited to the Simpals Design department. I’ve been working here for almost a year now, mostly still for my passion project, Sporter.

– How has Simpals changed over the years?

Wow! I don’t even know how to describe it. You know, I was still around in the old office. I saw many people come and go. And when we moved to the new building, the company transformed into something global. Everyone started taking courses, the quality of products and services improved. We became much more “awesome.”

– How have you changed over the years?

I’ve also become more audacious. I’ve learned so many things at Simpals, which now makes me a good specialist. From writing texts to promoting campaigns, and now design — I’ve become a universal soldier!

– What would you like to achieve in the next 5 years?

Right now, we only work on Simpals projects. But I would love for Simpals Design to have external collaborations too. That way, there could be a project where at least 80% of the work would be mine. I would really like to fully express myself in a specific project and be proud of the final result. To be able to confidently say, “Look, I made this!”

– How do you see Simpals in 5 years?

More “social.” I’ve noticed that we are moving towards projects that not only generate revenue but also have a strong social impact. And in the next 5 years, this will only grow more and more!

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