International nonWorkaholics Day
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7 July 2021

Bet you know what day was yesterday? First off, Moldova has become a maritime power. Second off, the whole world celebrated the International Workaholics Day 🙂

Don’t say that you worked hard and forgot about it 😄 We also had a little “celebration” at the office. How? Well, for example, we noticed that Life Balance positively entered the life of Simpals residents. And the impact is just amazing: improved well-being, higher mood and increased productivity 🙂 Working hours dedicated to work are something usual, but you should know when to take a break! This is why we are happy when colleagues meet for a cup of coffee or a game in FIFA, or at the spa, or just chatting in the park. And if we happen to take a rest within office walls, at least that’s fine! 🙂 Got some rest, back to work. And in the evening, we can enjoy doing all of the above.

Up with love of work and love of leisure 🙂




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