Bet you know what day was yesterday? First off, Moldova has become a maritime power. Second off, the whole world celebrated the International Workaholics Day
Don’t say that you worked hard and forgot about it We also had a little “celebration” at the office. How? Well, for example, we noticed that Life Balance positively entered the life of Simpals residents. And the impact is just amazing: improved well-being, higher mood and increased productivity
Working hours dedicated to work are something usual, but you should know when to take a break! This is why we are happy when colleagues meet for a cup of coffee or a game in FIFA, or at the spa, or just chatting in the park. And if we happen to take a rest within office walls, at least that’s fine!
Got some rest, back to work. And in the evening, we can enjoy doing all of the above.
Up with love of work and love of leisure