Discover Victoria Jereghi, Chief Accountant International at Simpals
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25 June 2024

Victoria Jereghi joined the Simpals team two years ago, bringing her expertise and passion for numbers. Find out how she became Chief Accountant International.

— Victoria, when you applied, did you know where you were coming? 

— Yes, I knew I was joining a team of creative and inventive people. 

— Exactly. And how well do you align with Simpals’ values?

— I love learning new things, and Simpals places a strong emphasis on employee growth. In this regard, the specialized courses offered by the company are a great advantage that other companies do not provide.


Flexibility, another Simpals value, has allowed her to quickly adapt to changes and take on new responsibilities.

— What position do you hold today? 

— Chief Accountant International, managing entities outside of Moldova (Romania, China, USA, Thailand).

— Did you expect such rapid growth? 

— No. It was a surprise when the CFO left, and I had to take over some of his responsibilities. And, of course, I haven’t stopped learning.


Victoria had the audacity to accept new challenges and develop in an international environment, demonstrating that success comes when you dare to step out of your comfort zone.

— How do you see our company in five years? 

— Given how dynamic and bold the people here are, I believe Simpals will expand beyond Moldova. There is room for perspective and a desire to invest.

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