”I help. I care!” Offer a hand of help to elders!
All news
20 March 2020

With the imposition of the state of emergency in the Republic of Moldova, a great number of elderly people and people with special needs got into an extremely difficult situation.


To make it easier and to help the needy, Diaconia Social Mission, together with a supermarket chain and with the support of The Moldova Project and Chisinau City Hall, launched a charity campaign called ”I help. I care!” 


According to organizers, for the first stage of the campaign, a supermarket chain offered 100,000 MDL (~5,000 euro) cards. Using these cards, the Diaconia volunteers shall purchase essential products for elderly people and distribute them in Chisinau. The Moldova Project activists shall deliver the goods to people who need them in other locations in Moldova. 


The organizers of ”I help. I care!” charity campaign urge all people who want and can help to become benefactors to the older people from Chisinau. Anyone may participate in this campaign: from Chisinau residents to economic entities. Don’t be ignorant! 

— If you want to donate for food supplies, follow the link.

— If you are a company representative which wants to donate food or hygiene supplies, call the organizers by 061 058 777.

 — If you want to volunteer or you are able to help at the call center, please write at: office@diaconia.md. Diaconia activists will instruct you and will offer you protection equipment. If you don’t possess a car, you may contribute to supplies delivery. 

According to estimated data, currently, over 12,000 elderly people live in Chisinau. These persons can not go to the shop on their own to buy hygiene and food products. The elderly find it difficult to purchase goods from shops in normal circumstances, let alone the quarantine times. This campaign was launched with the aim to offer assistance to the elderly and to people with special needs, so they could overcome the isolation period. 


Iar dacă nu aveți posibilitate să faceți voluntariat, vă rugăm să acordați atenție oamenilor din preajmă. Posibil ca printre vecini să aveți persoane vârstnice solitare, care nu au nici un ajutor, sau persoane care suferă de boli și nu pot ieși din casă pentru a merge la cumpărături. Dați-le o mână de ajutor, nu lăsați acești oameni în voia soartei! Întrebați-i ce au nevoie și încercați să-i ajutați pe cei care nu se pot descurca în această situație. Nu fiți indiferenți! Oferiți-le ajutor! 

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