The Garage team continues to work hard on their new device, the Aheel runner insole. On the project page, they present a reality show in which they demonstrate all the stages of elaboration and development of a startup by their own example.
The boys have already talked about how they created the insole – the technical parameters it has and the challenges they faced. They also talked about how they invented and developed the design. By the way, Aheel owes its name and design in the form of an arrow to the Greek mythology hero Achilles, whose weak spot was the heel, as in the case of many runners.
But the reality show Aheel is not only about the technical issues, but also about the marketing part of the startup. The team honestly tells how they plan and create their marketing strategy, and what tools they use. In their new video, team members talked a little more about how self-selling products are actually created, what Customer Development is, and why some products become in demand immediately, while others do not!
Subscribe to Aheel team page and find lots of useful information there.