We develop sport in Moldova
All news
26 July 2024

Simpals has been developing sports in Moldova for many years, and it’s no wonder that speed is one of the company’s values. One of its projects, Sporter, organizes spectacular and large-scale sporting events, including the grand Chisinau Marathon.

Last weekend, the Europe Triathlon Junior Cup Chisinau took place, where Sporter was also one of the organizers – together with the Triathlon Federation of the Republic of Moldova. The Triathlon Festival 2024 combined two events – the 2024 Europe Triathlon Junior Cup Chisinau and the National Triathlon Championship. Triathletes from all over Europe gathered at the festival and delivered inspiring performances.

Simpals has a close collaboration with the Triathlon Federation of the Republic of Moldova (FTRM). The company has been providing continuous support to FTRM for many years, and the founder of Simpals, Dmitri Voloșin, holds the position of president of the federation. Thanks to this support, triathlon is becoming increasingly accessible and attractive to the residents of Moldova, and children participate in numerous events absolutely for free.


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