World Sexual Health Day was held at Simpals
All events
9 August 2023

Employee health is always a focus at Simpals. This time, the week at the company started with a reminder of how important it is to take care of yourself and your loved ones.

At Simpals, World Sexual Health Day started with the distribution of packages, each of which contained a rapid HIV/AIDS saliva test and contraception means.

A year ago, the company’s employees also had the opportunity to undergo HIV/AIDS testing right in the office, and this is just one part of our health program.

Simpals employees use a whole range of benefits aimed at improving their health:

  • Swimming pool visits;
  • Fruit in the office every day;
  • Check-ups with a general practitioner;
  • Eye check-ups;
  • Participation in company sports events, and so on.

Simpals stands for honesty, and on World Sexual Health Day, we openly discuss important things to express our care for the well-being of employees.

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