Men’s Day at Simpals
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24 February 2014

Are you still out of uniform? Military recruiters are coming to get you!

On the eve of the Men’s Day all male employees of our company had to pass a military medical examination as part of our army enlistment process. Two eye-popping girls (both literally and figuratively) forced our guys to do push-ups and squats. Those who were fit for military service received a special assignment specifying the name of their general. All the boys were divided into four teams and participated in the Treasure Hunt inside the office. The clue to the treasure’s location was a picture cut into several pieces. The participants had to collect all the pieces and put them together. All the teams did their best to complete the task. After that, the captains had to assert the right to get the first gifts for their teams: they jumped rope, answered women’s tricky questions and played rock-paper-scissors game.

This is how it was!

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