Catalog: TOP 5 websites in the category “Internet”
All news
4 February 2016

Dear users,

Point team is daily working on new projects that may make your life significantly easier and help you keep abreast of the latest events.

Today we offer you to consider the top most popular websites of the moldnet in the category Internet, registered on our service “Catalog“. We decided to select the leaders based on google analytics data and our Point catalog service.

The most popular website was the site of announcements, which recently set a daily record for attendance, 182,158 unique visitors yesterday.

The next position is taken by the general topic forum, which has celebrated its 15th year of operation, with 16,752 unique users.

Third place is confidently taken by – the first Moldovan video hosting, which has been successfully entertaining its users many years in a row, with 16,598 unique visitors.

Fourth came in the online shop of home appliances and electronics – is the online shop, selling household goods, which took the fifth place in our ranking.

To get into our top-list, you just need to register your website in Point catalog. And if the website is already in the google analytics, it will be able to get into our band, after you pass the necessary procedures.

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