The Game Theory of Igor Cebotari
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27 June 2024

If you think the time for games ends with childhood, then you haven’t played a truly cool board game yet. Sporter Project Manager Igor Cebotari is confident that everyone loves such games, but not all of them know it yet.

“The best way is to start with simple rules games,” he says. “Then it gets more interesting, you choose increasingly complex mechanics, and start building strategies. It becomes quite engaging.”


Igor discovered the world of board games in the 10th grade: “I was volunteering, and the leader of our group was passionate about games. He introduced us to them. It turned out to be an incredibly interesting and diverse world.”


Good board games aren’t cheap, but Igor’s collection already includes 20-30 games. “I’m not the craziest enthusiast, but I’m willing to spend both time and money on good games,” he says. “The most interesting aspect of them is the interactive experience. Some people play computer games online, others socialize with friends in cafes, but board games combine social interaction, excitement, gameplay, and emotions.”


Igor admits that his preferences change from time to time: “There was a period when I enjoyed very complex mechanics, where you had to spend an entire day just to understand the rules. But now I happily play „Sheriff of Nottingham” – it’s like a simpler version of „Mafia”.”


Igor confirms that board games are great for growth and teach you to think unconventionally and with audacity: „They improve concentration and the ability to build strategies. Competitive games are especially helpful for this.”


Igor definitely doesn’t plan to stop playing games: “No, of course not! I’d rather set up a special table for board games at home or attend a cool festival. There’s so much more interesting stuff in the world of games!”


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