Trick or treat – Simpals celebrated Halloween
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1 November 2023

The Simpals office plunged into a nightmare. Signal tapes marked crime scenes, bloody shreds and cobwebs hung overhead, and ominous candles flickered with eerie glows. Even the unflagging German transformed from an amiable punching bag into a stern King Kong…

BOO! It was in such an ambiance that the Simpals team celebrated Halloween. Each year, the last Friday of October turns into a fabulous holiday for the employees. We excel at work, but when it comes to fun, it’s – Trick or treat! Flexibility is one of the company’s values; it assists us both at work and during leisure time.

The employees welcomed the most frightening day of the year fully armed and showed that we are dreadfully creative personalities! Tomato “blood” in syringes, predatory crimson punch in a huge bowl, monstrously delicious treats, and a terrifyingly beautiful parade – Simpals had a blast from the heart!

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